
November 22, 2014

The Weather

The weather is an amazing phenomena here in Cajamarca.  While it's mostly consistent and nice all the time, it can be a little confusing if you try to understand it......I'll try to explain.

We live in the southern hemisphere which should mean that the Winter season begins on June 21.  As we approach June 21, it should be getting colder and as we pass June 21 it should be getting warmer toward Spring and Summer.  Summer begins on December 21.  The process should go on the same way year after year.

We are so close to the equator in Cajamarca and at a high altitude, so the weather is much the same day after day.  It gets into the low 70s during the day and either in the 40s or 50s at night depending on if it is Summer or Winter.  Right now we are about a month from Summer and the temperatures were getting warmer in the morning when I walked to work but this last it has bee really cold.  One day it was 1 degree celsius( 33.8) officially, however the picture below is the frost I saw on the way to work. It must have been a soft freeze.


The Cajamarca rainy season begins in November and lasts to about April. The rainy season is considered Winter because the clouds cover the sun and due to the altitude it is somewhat cooler during the day, maybe in the mid to high 60s but still usually making it to 70.  This means that right now we are actually in Winter because of our rainy season, just like the northern hemisphere, but officially it is Summer.

This can get rather confusing because the department stores have their Summer stock out because on the coast and other places it's Summer.   Which between 12:00pm and 4:00pm it is here most days. The rest of the time we need Autumn clothes.  To make matters worse, the department stores are also selling Christmas items making it seem like Winter when it really is Summer and they are selling Summer beach items.

The rainy season or Winter is not really a severe rainy season like we see in Wisconsin where it can rain for weeks straight. The rainy season in Cajamarca happens mostly in the afternoon right before we leave from work for the day and/or at night.  The rain usually ends right before I go to work around five.  Last year, I only had two days when I needed my rain gear on my way to work, however I needed it many days on my way home.  Don't get me wrong, the rain can be severe and it can come out of the mountains and destroy houses and other buildings that are made of adobe mud bricks, but it isn't like what we see in Wisconsin.

There is another contradiction to the rainy season.  I own a guitar and guitars are very susceptible to the humidity, you have to make sure to keep them humidified.  This can be particularly troublesome in the Winter months in Wisconsin when it's very dry.  During the rainy season in Cajamarca, we find that our skin dries out and in fact, the air is really dry.  Yes, that's right, during the rainy season, the air is really dry.  People complain all the time that their fingers are cracking and their skin is really dry, so is my guitar.

So what do I make of it?  I don't really try to make anything of it. I just try to keep warm by wearing my Autumn clothes.  During the day between 12 and 4 I can take my warm autumn weight jacket off and enjoy the warm weather and sun. I try to keep my clothes dry during the rainy season and my skin and guitar moisturized when the air is dry. Mostly I am confused about what season and month it is, but also usually comfortable.  When I am at home, I try to be in the yard enjoying the moderate temperatures, Paraíso!!!!

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