
August 15, 2013

The movie and the picnic

Last week some fifth graders asked me if I would have a picnic with them next Thursday, today.  I told them that I would.  A day later I was asked what soda I liked, I told them Inka Kola Zero.  I forgot about it this week in the wake of getting ready to take the whole school to the movies in five mini type buses, not short buses, but mini bus things.... During this week we set the whole thing up.   Each bus can hold fifteen kids and I had figured out how we were going to have the kids on the bus and which classes were going to be in what Bus.  The busses showed up, all four of them, yes four, not five.  So we proceeded to squish all the kids from each class on their own bus.  That is at least five more kids per bus than we expected.  Here is how it looked.   All the kids got there safely and happily and they all enjoyed Smurfs 2.

Now back to the picnic that almost made me cry it was soooo cute.  I had to stay back and do lunch and recess duty.  Suddenly the picnic girls showed up and asked if I was ready for the picnic.  I said I was, and off we went to a shaded area on the play field.  The girls started to unpack two baskets for chips and banana chips, a basket for cookies, a plate full of sandwiches and two bottles of Inka Kola Zero for me.  Oh and they laid out a blanket to put it all on.  They followed up with a giant "Welcome to Davy" sign and a gift in a gift box with a "welcome" keychain in it.  We sat and ate lunch all lunch period and shared stories about our different countries.  After the picnic I walked to the movie theatre and watched the end of the movie with the children and helped reunite the children with their parents who picked them up at the movie theatre.  What Fun!!


Melissa Kostka said...

So glad you are enjoying it!!

Barb Mutchie said...

The picnic was so sweet and the girls are so adorable and sweet. Looks like you've already made an impact on the students. They're lucky to have you.

Mark said...

What a nice looking bunch of kids, happy and welcoming. Looks great down there man.