
September 14, 2013

Español y un Camino!

I am going on a hike today, this one .......

It should be about a 4 mile hike round trip.  Not sure what I am going to find in the little town I am hiking to but, that's why I am here.  

Before setting off I decided to call a hotel to set up a reservation for our October vacation.  Total success!  All in Español, I understood almost all of the conversation and so did the person with whom I spoke.  My español is coming along nicely as I wouldn't have been able to pull that off a few months ago.  

Correction::::  I just received the confirmation for the wrong dates....  :::::  Almost success I am emailing to correct the dates.....  :::: 

I will have some pictures of the hike in a couple of hours!!  Adios mis amigos!

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