
August 01, 2013

Settling Down

I walked to work today for the first time at about the time i think I will have to leave for work regularly.    The walk was great, quiet, lots of dogs, turkeys, chickens and people.  Most of the people out were tending to their cows.

I saw a milk truck with a bunch of milk containers, the old style metal milk containers stop at the side of the road by a farmer lady who was milking the cows into these milk containers and putting them on the truck for where ever they were going...  I'm sure she got paid per container and the truck left, on to the next person.

I also saw the LAN airplane land on the airstrip, the plane went right ver my head.  then about 10 minutes later the LCPeru plane landed, i didn't see it but I heard it.  

I don't have any pictures yet but once we get the internet going at home I will have a bunch.   I happen to be at work, getting set up, so I have internet.  

1 comment:

Jan Abrahamson said...

Always glad to receive updates!!