January 18, 2008

A trip to Santa's house

This morning the temperature was 10 degrees above zero and it almost felt warm. We had a snow storm last night that left us with 10 inches of snow on the ground this morning.

We had to shovel out which wasn't so bad because the snow is so light and dry up here. While 10 inches of snow overnight might close schools in Wisconsin, in Alaska schools stay open and the streets were all plowed by 8:00 . They don't use salt on the streets because if the snow melted, it would turn straight to ice and the road would be very dangerous. They put pea gravel on the roads which provides some grip. Overall the streets are very snow covered all the time but in good condition for driving.

Today we went to The North Pole to visit Santa and thank him for all the gifts. Unfortunately he wasn't home, I heard he was still in Florida on vacation. We did look around the house and took some pictures. We were very lucky to find Dasher and Prancer in the back yard. I am sure they were resting up from Christmas.

This morning I saw some of the Alaska range from the top of the hill that Pete's school is on.

After the North Pole I went to the Cold Climate Housing Research Center and took a tour of a building that they are using to test different features of construction to maximize energy and keeping the environment clean in the process.

Pete, Dolores and I went to Geraldo's pizza place for dinner. Pete and I discovered Geraldo's when I drove him up to Alaska a few years ago. While we were in Geraldo's we noticed a picture on the wall which is the same picture that I took of Venice and currently have on my family room wall. We took a picture though it is not that clear.


JJ said...

Were those reindeer laying down, or were hey trying to walk around in 10+ inches of snow? It looks like they were in snow up to their shoulders!
Cool Pics

Matt Geiger said...

They were lying down in the yard..