April 06, 2015

Untethered - Completely

I thought I was untethered before, but now I am completely Untethered.... After my last post, I was returning from my winter break and continuing on my search for a new job.

Since Feb. 28th I have:
  • Worked for three days 
  • Flown to the Galápagos Islands for 11 days 
  • Went to work for three more days 
  • Moved out of the house in Cajamarca in 2 weeks 
  • Went to the US for 2 weeks 
  • Traveled to Quito, Ecuador for an undetermined amount of time

I essentially have not worked much (6 days) since December 13th, 2014. I have been preparing schedules and power points while waiting for my visa papers, but no formal work since December 13th. I am beginning to feel completely untethered and am ready for some structure in my day to day which hopefully will include work, a school and an office.

I have some pictures prepared from the last couple of months beginning after I returned from my "Summer" Vacation.

Beginning with Galápagos

Arriving in the Galápagos.
Taking a bus from the airport to the dock.
Taking the water taxi to the mainland. 
Taking the taxi to the Puerto Ayora

Puerto Ayora! Paradise 
Tomás de Berlanga School

My new office.
I am not really in any pain.
Las Grietas, it might be my favorite place so far.

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