
February 02, 2014

Time Keeps on Slipping ..... Slipping .....slipping .......

Last week we saw quite a bit of Buenos Aires.  Part of it is that we feel like all we have is a week left and we needed to make sure we got some things in.  All we have is a week left, Yes, I said that ...... In all honesty, we are ready to get back home to Cajamarca.  We are probably one week too long for this vacation.  I am not complaining, just saying....  Work is starting to creep up and the way it is I will have to go into work the day after I get back.  I like to have a day to recoup and with this much time off I should have thought more about that when planning.  Next year we will wrap up a little earlier and have a few days back home.

When we get back home I should have all of Robert, the old principal's stuff in our house.  So it will be a bit like christmas when we return.  We will have artwork and all kinds of household stuff that we think was delivered the day after we left on this long journey. Exciting!

Also when we return, we should have our list of repair work completed.  I am not as optimistic about that, but, it's a new year and maybe some things have changed.  We received an email from the landlord stating that all the items on our list had been completed.  She was going to email us details but didn't so who knows what was actually completed.

So here are some pictures of some of our sight seeing last week.
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Selfie in front of the Puenta de la Mujer.  The Puente de la Mujer is a rotating footbridge for Dock 3 of the Puerto Madero commercial district.  

The Teatro Colón (Colón Theatre) is the main opera house in Buenos Aires.

Ficus tree out side of the Colon Theatre
Cool Public Art

The Obelisco de Buenos Aires is a national historic monument and icon of Buenos Aires.

Public art and the Obelisco de Buenos Aires.
Super awesome ice cream!

We tried to golf here many times(3) and were thwarted each time.  Kerry will blog about it.  We did get to walk home three time with our golf shoe bags and a soda.
This was a fortunate benefit of walking back from not golfing.  We found the Museo de Artes Plásticas.  Not sure about the Plasticas part of the name as it was primarily contemporary themed art museum.  It was really awesome despite it´s inaccurate name.  We almost didn´t go because we thought we might see tupperware art.   They were showing a guy named Marcelo Mayorga, he has some really awesome art.   Heres a link.....  

Another nice find was the municipal rose gardens.  Kerry like them a it more than I.  They were really nice though..

We went a saw Fuerza Buta, a show in Recoleta.  It was a very unusual show and it tours around the world.  I understand it originated here... It is a music, acrobatic (sort of) show.  Basically we all got jammed into a room standing where they blew water on us because it was sooo hot and we had to move around the various stages that the performers would come out on...  Theater in the round?  Sort of....  One of the most impressive acts was a huge transparent swimming pool that came out to the roof and had four lovely ladies in their underwear who were running around and sliding around and swimming around inside the pool above us.   They raised and lowered the entire pool and a couple of time lowered it so it was just over our heads so close that we could touch the bottom of it where the performers were sliding around....  Not sure if I am describing it well but it was an awesome show.  
Here is a bad picture of us at Fuerza Bruta.  I will post some videos on the next blog....  

Not sure the connection, but, I love pringles and they have their own street here.  : ) 

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