February 22, 2014

Getting back in the swing....

We have gotten back on course this past week.  I can't believe how different it really is in the "summer" rainy season.  The weather feels warmer during the day.  I think it is really only warmer in the morning but it feels warmer all day long.

This is my second weekend back.  I should have some pictures for the next blog as we are going to a Carnival festivity that will be in a different part of Cajamarca and more in country, maybe...  Who knows.  The festivity is a luncheon where we will see all of the Carnival SeƱoritas.  I think it is a fundraiser for the barrio to fund the Carnival float.    On with a couple of videos.

The first one is on my way to work.  As I approached work,  maybe ten steps away, two grazing cows.  Sometime I forget how rural we really are though I don't know how with these types of things.  I have settled into my walk now, I have my walking sticks that work really well as a street dog deterrent and I am getting back up to 4 miles an hours.  It is much darker now and I risk stepping in puddles everyday or twisting an ankle.  Hopefully the sun starts rising a little earlier soon.

Davy College is the pride of Cajamarca in terms of educational quality and now that we have opened our doors a little wider we are willing to invite other events onto our campus.  For our opening on Tuesday, we had some Cajamarquino dancing and music to welcome the students back from summer vacation.

If the festivity is exciting today I might have another blog post tomorrow.  Right now I am sitting on my hammock, waiting for my bath to fill before we leave for our afternoon luncheon.  I know, it's a rough life......

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