
January 18, 2014

Milwaukee....San Antonio ..... BsAs ......

It has been a while since either Kerry or I have posted.  This is partly because we have been having so much fun seeing everyone and partly because of the camera and computer situation and the ability to get the pictures on the web in an efficient way.  Never the less, we are now in Buenos Aires and in the relaxing part of the trip so one of our goals is to catch up on our blogs....

We began our travels in Milwaukee staying at my brother and sister in-law's house in Sussex/Lisbon Wisconsin outside of Milwaukee.  Here are some pictures of the stay there.....

Gotta love Wisconsin weather.  This is what welcomed us home in December.  when we left Cajamarca it was 70.

Shannon and Kerry at the Domes.  Before we went to the Grohmann Museum at MSOE.  This was a favorite of Shannon's...  Kieran doesn't like work, what can I say, he has his priorities straight... : )   

Flower at the Domes that rarely flowers

Visited Mark, Steve and Cindy at Hooligans!!!

Peter at Christmas Eve. 

Kopps....  Nuff said..... 
Yes 13 below zero....  We have a 117 degree change between there and here.  : ) 

More snow, but a nice day.  I think it was around 0 degrees...  

Shannon in the penalty box!

I helped with the last couple of pieces at the end.  

Back to the airport.  Heading to San Antonio for the weekend!

Watching a basketball game in San Antonio....  That's right, floor seats....  Wow!

Back in Lima for a day and noticed a cool sculpture that we hadn't noticed before.  Lima was really nice..

In Buenos Aires at our third steak house in three days???  

The wine is so reasonably priced it makes more sense to get a bottle instead of a glass.  This place, Don Julio, lets us sign the bottle and they put it up on the wall.. 

This is a graffiti wall in our neighborhood! 

Out to dinner last night at Pescadito with the merman outside....  

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