
September 21, 2013

Callacpuma 1.5

Today, while waiting for the plumber, I decided to take a walk up a road that Kerry and I have walked a couple of time but not that far.  The road basically climbs a mountain, the same mountain where callacpuma is only it is the other side of the mountain.  It was a nice walk and some locals actually stopped me to talk to me and ask me where I was from and if I enjoyed walking and some other things I couldn't understand...  Here are the picts...

First, this is the full moon on my way to work.  

I was very surprised to see this sign as the path to it on the other side of the mountain is much smaller and less obvious. 

This is the path, there are also a lot of crosses on the side of the mountain.  Not sure if it is really that dangerous but it looks like we could walk to the top of the mountain and maybe come down the other side on the other road.  

This is a little town square it is called El Inca.  Kind of like Baños del Inca only a little shorter.

Here is a panoramic picture of this street and just how much in the foothills this road is and I am where I live in Baños.

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