August 02, 2013

My walk to work

Things are starting to come together now and I have access to the pictures I took on my iphone on the way to work.  

This is the road that takes me to Bella Union.  It is about 6:00am right now.  If you real far you can see a cow on the side of the road that I have to pass.

These are the cows that are being milked and the milk is likely being sold to Nestle or Gloria Milk. 

I am now going down the road through Bella Union I think.   

This is an odd picture as the sky came in completely differently and you can see the pixel line.  The mountain was that color which is why I took the picture.  I moved to a more open part of the walk, you can see I am in a giant valley.  This is the area right before I get onto the road that goes in front of the airstrip.  Today I saw LCPeru land.  It is a little Twin Otter that flies out of Lima for cheap.  

This is as I come into the city of Cajamarca, the first actual sidewalk on my walk.   

Here I am arriving at Davy after an hour and 5 minute walk.  It is about 7:05am right now.  

Here is my office!!!

I have some videos for later.....

Thanks for reading..... 


  1. Rustic walk to the ritzy office!

  2. Great to see you walking to stay in shape! I miss our challenges buddy. Have a great year and glad to hear your adjustment is going well! Back to school for us in a few weeks.
