So I found a new thing in my life. It goes along with hackey sack, and the Styl'n House two loves of my life that influenced who I am today. This one is called Mate. It is a South American tea type drink called Yerba and it is put into a Mate (cup) raw. You pour warmish/hot (not boiling) water on it and suck it through a bombilla or filtered straw made out of metal. How is this like hacky sack, and the Style'n House? They are shared in a circle... I guess, not that I have done it yet. One gets invited to have a drink. The mate maker makes it and takes the first drink because it is a bit bitter, after his drink he pours another and passes it on. He continues to pour for the people and who drink it and talk until everyone is finished drinking. After you are done, you thank the maker. Once you thank the maker, you can stay with the group but you will not be offered more mate in that session. You can have as much as you want but when you are done, you are done. It took me a while to find the cup that called me, but I eventually did and now realize that they are really inexpensive and I just might continue the search. My search might be more about the bombilla as they can be adorned with different objects, in fact, yesterday I almost purchased a popeilla.... A bombilla adorned with a picture of Pope Frances on it. See Kerry's blog to full understand.... Here are the pictures....
The mate(cup), bombilla, bag of the yerba (tea type leaves and twigs), and pot of not boiling hot water... |
the mate and bombilla |
why the bombilla needs to be screened..... believe it or not very few sticks and stuff manage to get through.. |
So you are sitting a circle sucking on a straw type thing. Kind of sounds like college!
I actually sit at a table in the morning and drink it by myself. Someday someone will invite me to share one.
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