January 14, 2008

Hello from Fairbanks

Hello from Fairbanks,

I am finally getting on a network and am able to update you all about my travels to Fairbanks.

I arrived in Fairbanks on Saturday at 6:00p.m. which is 9:00p.m. your time(just after the Packers beat the Seahawks... Go Pack!!. The temp was about 22 below zero which Pete explained wasn't too bad. (I explained to him that, yes, it is very cold).

We went to the cottage(shack)

after the airport, and then to dinner at Pikes Landing.
This is a picture of a bridge that runs across the Chena River which creates a shortcut from the restaurant.
That night the temperature reached the high 20s below zero. When we returned from dinner we decided to take a short hike to Pete's other cabin. This was a very cold walk that helped me understand what 20 below felt like. We hiked no more than 5 minutes and when we arrived at the cabin I was done being outside. The cold is alright as long as you are not moving. Once you start moving you create wind chill against your skin. My forehead was exposed and by the time I got to the cabin it felt like I had an ice cream headache.

The next day Pete and I went and got coffee and donuts and went back to his place to eat them. It was still 25 below zero and we were expecting the clouds to clear out and the temperature to drop to near 40 below. Here is what it looked like at about 10 in the morning.....This is a picture looking out of Pete's Window.....

Pete, Dolores and I went shopping and then back to the cottage to watch the Giants beat the Cowboys... After the game we went to Dolores's house for mostacolli. We had some mostacolli and noticed that the temperature had gotten to 30 below.

We went to a bank clock to take a picture.

Pete told me that he thought that the temperature would get colder over night so at 4:00 in the morning I woke up and checked the weather and it was 44 below zero.

Pete came over and we got another Picture taken in front of the bank clock.

The clock shows 38 below zero but by the cottage it was 44 below. The cottage is in the valley so it is cooler because the cold air sinks and the warm air rises.

I tried an experiment in the morning. People told me that if you throw water into the air it will evaporate into the air before it hits the ground. Can you guess what happened?

We took some pictures of Fairbanks in the morning when it was 40 below.......

Next on the agenda...

On the plane I sat next to a lady who is a teacher in Fairbanks and she invited me to have a tour of her school.

I also sat next to a guy who was in a show called African Footprints. Hopefully we will see that. I will be doing these two things sometime during the next few days.

I have actually been feeling a bit ill the last two days so tonight we are going to go out to dinner and call it an early night. Plus, it is too cold to go outside much...

I will send an update again tomorrow....

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